Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala Manasamithra Vatakam – 100 Tab


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Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala Manasamithra Vatakam It acts as a potent anti-stress, anxiolytic and anti-depressant. It is a safer for treatment of mental disorders as compared to conventional allopathic drugs.psychomotor retardation Enhances memory and also intellectual faculties.


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Indication :-

  • Dementia, insomnia, seizure disorder, psychomotor retardation Enhances memory and intellectual faculties.

Ingredients :-

S.No Sanskrit Name Botanical Name Qty/Tab
01 Bala Sida cordifolia 0.002 g
02 Nagabala Sida cordata 0.002 g
03 Vilva Aegle marmelos 0.002 g
04 Dhavanimula Pseudarthria viscida 0.002 g
05 Vidruma Coral 0.002 g
06 Sankhupushpi Convolvulus pluricaulis 0.002 g
07 Tamrachudapadika Salacia reticulata 0.002 g
08 Hema Gold 0.002 g
09 Pushkara Inula racemosa 0.002 g
10 Mrigasringa Buffalo s horn 0.002 g
11 Vacha Acorus calamus 0.002 g
12 Tapya Iron pyrite 0.002 g
13 Chandana Santalum album 0.002 g
14 Raktachandana Pterocarpus santalinus 0.002 g
15 Mauktika Pearl 0.002 g
16 Kalaloha Iron 0.002 g
17 Madhukatvak Madhuca longifolia 0.002 g
18 Magadhi Piper longum 0.002 g
19 Ghanasara Cinnamomum camphora 0.002 g
20 Aileyaka Mukia maderaspatana 0.002 g
21 Visala Citrullus colocynthis 0.002 g
22 Arkaraga Lodoicea maldivica 0.002 g
23 Nirgundi Vitex negundo 0.002 g
24 Plava Cyperus esculentus 0.002 g
25 Rasna Alpinia galanga 0.002 g
26 Rajata Silver 0.002 g
27 Saileya Parmelia perlata 0.002 g
28 Gojihwa Berberis aristata 0.002 g
29 Patmakesara Nelumbo nucifera 0.002 g
30 Dvijivaka Pueraria tuberosa (sub.) 0.004 g
31 Dvikakoli Withania somnifera (sub.) 0.004 g
32 Brihati Solanum anguivi 0.002 g
33 Nidigdhika Solanum virginianum 0.002 g
34 Sravani Sphaeranthus indicus 0.002 g
35 Mahasravani Sphaeranthus africanus 0.002 g
36 Bhunimba Swertia chirata 0.002 g
37 Kritamala Cassia fistula 0.002 g
38 Parushaka Grewia asiatica 0.002 g
39 Haritaki Terminalia chebula 0.002 g
40 Amalaki Phyllanthes emblica 0.002 g
41 Vibhitaki Terminalia bellirica 0.002 g
42 Amrita Tinospora cordifolia 0.002 g
43 Gopika Hemidesmus indicus 0.002 g
44 Ulpalasariba Ichnocarpus frutescens 0.002 g
45 Jivanti Leptadenia reticulata 0.002 g
46 Somavalli Sarcostemma acidum 0.002 g
47 Hayagandha Withania somnifera 0.002 g
48 Nisa Curcuma longa 0.002 g
49 Usira Vetiveria zizaniodes 0.002 g
50 Draksha Vitis vinifera 0.002 g
51 Yashtyahwa Glycyrrhiza glabra 0.002 g
52 Riddhi Curculigo orchioides (sub.) 0.002 g
53 Durva Cynodon dactylon 0.002 g
54 Hamsapadi Desmodium triflorum 0.002 g
55 Bhadra Aerva lanata 0.002 g
56 Lavanga Cinnamomum verum 0.002 g
57 Tulasidala Ocimum tenuiiflorum 0.002 g
58 Kankola Piper cubeba 0.002 g
59 Kunkuma Crocus sativus 0.002 g
60 Brahmi Bacopa monnieri q. s.
61 Sankhupushpi Convolvulus pluricaulis q. s.
62 Vacha Acorus calamus q. s.
63 Ananta Cynodon dactylon q. s.
64 Lakshamana Ipomoea sepiaria q. s.
65 Vilva Aegle marmelos q. s..
66 Bala Sida cordifolia q. s.
67 Gokshira Milk q. s.
68 Stanya Milk (Sub.) q. s.
69 Jiraka Cuminum cyminum q. s.
70 Somavalli Sarcostemma acidum q. s.

Dosage :-

  • 1-2 tablets twice daily or as directed by the Physician.

100 Tab


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